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Planning Board Minutes 06/02/2005

(603) 798-4350

JUNE 2, 2005

Present: Acting Chairman Stan Brehm, Joanna McIntosh, Brad Towle, Tom Jameson, Richard DeBold, Mike Stamowlaros, Peter Wade, Mike Paveglio and Secretary Andrea Deachman

Chairman Brehm introduced the Board and presented the Agenda. Chairman Brehm requested the Board Review the minutes of May 5, 2005 and asked for corrections.

The following correction was made: Page 2 under Hartley second Discussion, second sentence end at storage and begin new sentence with Mr. Hartley.

Motion was made to accept the minutes with the correction.

        Stamowlaros/McIntosh    (Passed)

DESIGN REVIEW   Robert & Kathleen Gagne
        Map 7, Lot 12, Ferrin Road

Abutters present: Dorothy & Richard Mackin and David Dobson

David Noyes presented the plans for the Board to review, they will not be creating any new building lots. The lot with the house will be approximately 5.6 acres with the remaining backland at approximately 46 acres. There is a note on the plan that states the larger parcel in the back is not a buildable lot. Note # 3 states that an area variance was received by the Board of Adjustment.

Abutters have no concerns with the proposal.
One change needs to be made on the plan Hill Road on the location map needs to read Bear Hill Road.
Mr. Noyes will make the correction at the end of the hearing.

With no further discussion the Design Review was closed.
PUBLIC HEARING: Robert & Kathleen Gagne
        Map 7, Lot 12, Ferrin Road

Abutters present: Dorothy & Richard Mackin and David Dobson

Mr. Noyes again presented the plans to the Board. The only item that was in need of change was the location map for Hill Road to be changed to Bear Hill Road.

Motion was made to accept the Subdivision with the change.
        Jameson/DeBold          (Passed)


DISCUSSION:     Theresa Brown
        Map 7 Lot 35, Ferrin Road

Ms. Brown has come to the Board because the therapeutic riding center she proposed as a home occupation needs to have land of its own for non- – profit reasons. The Board was in agreement that the Riding Center and the home could share the common driveway.

Discussion set for July.

DISCUSSION:     Jeanne & Jim Viall – Marc Chronis Property
        Site Review – Rental Business
        Map 4, Lot 155B, Dover & Cross Roads

Mr. Viall presented the Board with a letter from a wetlands scientist stating that the only wetlands on the property were drainage control of surface runoff and sedimentation control from Route 4.

Mr. Viall would like to know why he needs to have a site review? He feels that the Board granted him a multi use business for the property in 2003. The Secretary produced a Notice of Decision letter dated October 4, 2003 granting the Vialls Office and Auto Sales on the property with the conditions that Mark Chronis’ name be on the plan as the owner and the Surveyor Stamp. The Vaills stated they never received the letter. The Board was in agreement that a site review for the rental business needs to continue as stated in the minutes of October 2004 and February 2005.

Mr. Viall asked what is needed to finish this project for the rental equipment. The Board was in agreement that a letter be sent to the Vialls with the following information:

1.)     If they are going to wash the equipment in the yard they will need a wash bay if they choose not to wash the equipment on the property then they would not need a wash bay.
2.)    Wetlands delineation needs to be on the plan.
Title of the businesses on the plan, Auto Sales, Construction Equipment Rentals and Advanced Arial.
Letter from State of New Hampshire Department of Transportation District 5, stating the new use is not an issue, or a new driveway permit is issued for the heavy equipment rentals.

Stan to work with the secretary to compose the letter.

DISCUSSION:     Canterbury Cove Development
        Subdivision – Epsom     
        Epsom Map U6, Lots 9 & 9-1, Dover Road

Epsom Planning Board Members Present: Rick Belanger, Harvey Harkness and Alan Quimby.

Tracy Sweeney Registered Land Surveyor presented the Board with plans for this development and explained what was happening with this subdivision. The entire subdivision is located in the town of Epsom, however the developer would like to attach his subdivision road to Hillview Drive in Chichester to have greater building capacity.

There was a dispute as to where the town line was. Chichester and Epsom have completed a new perambulation and filed it with the Secretary of State with the correct town line. The Board feels that Hillview Drive has always gone to the town line. They will need to connect to Hillview Drive to build the entire 24 single family lots and the 2 commercial lots on Route 4. The town of Epsom has a dead end


road limit and Route 4 to the cul-de-sac is over 3, 000 feet well over the towns’ dead end limit.
Chris Adams of Nobis Engineering doesn’t feel that there would be the need for any profile changes, the only change would be to remove the asphalt at the cul-de-sac at the end of Hillview Drive when the roads are connected.

Stephen Pernaw completed that traffic study and feels that there will only be 22 trips in the peak time in the morning and 28 trips at the peak time in the evening between 5 and 7 pm . Stephen feels that most of the traffic will actually come out on to Route 4 and take either turn from the subdivision and not enter Hillview Drive as the Board is in fear of. The Board is requesting that an independent traffic study be completed without cost to the town of Chichester. Chairman Brehm asked the Epsom Planning Board if it had concerns with the traffic counts presented and the reply was “they had not gotten to that point as of yet.” The Boards concern is that 22 or 28 trips seem very low. The state when calculating the structure of roads deals in trips per day and with 24 single-family dwellings the traffic flow will be significantly higher than what has been presented. Causing the Board to have the plans reviewed and the traffic study preformed. The Board was also advised that Smith Sanborn Road is a scenic road and very little can be improved because of the scenic title.

One landowner from Hillview Drive is very concerned that connecting the two roads would be hazardous not only to Hillview Drive but also to the other roads in the Five Hills Estates Development.

Other concerns are that Hillview Drive may need significant upgrades to meet current state regulations for roads and who would be responsible for those needed upgrades? Town Engineer to review.

The Board had questions about the procedure for opening roads between municipalities. The Selectmen are not in agreement of whom is responsible for that decision. Is there a law that we must connect the roads and who is responsible for upgrades?

Attorney Mark Connlley feels that this is a benefit to the town of Chichester and the property owners on Hillview Drive.

State of New Hampshire Department of Transportation did not request a traffic study for this project. Would this be altering a town road? How do you notify, who would get noticed? Chairman Brehm to contact the Town Attorney, Town Engineer and Central NH Regional Planning Commission for guidance.

The Board was in agreement to hold a design review/public hearing in July as long as the information has been received from the Town Engineer, Town Attorney and the independent traffic study firm.

DISCUSSION:     L & K Truck Body
        Site Review - Truck Sales
        Map 3, Lot 29A, Dover Road

Jeff Burd from Brown Engineering and Ron Wroblewski owner discussed the improvements to the parking area. Mr. Wroblewski would like to have more area to sell trucks from. He would like to add a 150 square foot paved pad for the sales area.

Mr. Wroblewski will give State of New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services, Wetlands Bureau a request for wetlands filling for the proposed parking area. Mr. Wroblewski was advised to discuss the drainage with the State Department of Transportation and possibly the Conservation Commission.


He will need to go to the Board of Adjustment for a Variance on the wetlands buffer. Letter will be sent stating that the Board cannot act on this project based on the wetlands setbacks.

Mr. Wroblewski will call the secretary when ready to continue.

DISCUSSION:     Joe Austin
        Commercial Condo Units
        Map 3, Lot 68, Dover Road

Mr. Austin is here to discuss commercial Condo Units instead of Residential units. With the issue of building permits being available he feels that a commercial park for multi business units for retail or office units would be the next way to go for this property.  Mr. Austin would also like to know if he could get a Home Occupation for the property? He was informed that he could as long as he did a site review. Mr. Austin is waiting to hear from the Selectmen on the permit issue. He will make a decision on what he will decide to do next. He was advised to go to the Board of Adjustment.

DISCUSSION:     Peter Holmes
        Rental Property
        Map 5, Lot 64A, Suncook Valley Road

Mr. Holmes has purchased the property known as Map 5, Lot 64A on Suncook Valley Road and would like to know if he can rent it as a residence. The Board was in agreement that as long as it stayed as a residence he needed to do nothing. Mr. Holmes then asked what he would need to do if he wanted to rent the building as professional office space and he was informed that he would need to go through site review. He would need a driveway permit from State of New Hampshire Department of Transportation District 5.    Mr. Holmes will contact the secretary when ready to continue

DISCUSSION:     Douglas Briggs/Chester Briggs Property
        Lot line Adjustment
        Map 9, Lot 74, Kaime and Ring Roads

Mr. Briggs has been to the Board in the past and would like to ask that the Board review its decision of his public hearing.

The change is only effecting the lot they are going to sell. They are changing the boundary lines to use the stone walls as the lot lines, no change in the size of the lot just the shape.  The Boards decision required that wetlands be delineated on all of the lots. The wetlands are on the larger piece of property and at least 1500 feet away for the project.  The Board was in agreement that its decision had to stand it was a requirement of the subdivision regulations and the zoning.

The Board advised him to go to the Board of Adjustment for a variance.

He will contact the secretary when able to continue.



Jay Baas would like a denial letter, one will be sent.

Motion was made to adjourn.

        Stamowlaros/Paveglio            (Passed)

Meeting adjourned at 11:45pm

                        Respectfully submitted,

                        Stan Brehm, Acting Chair